Photos Courtesy of Mario Minnaert
#050 – Imagine swimming for 6 miles, riding a bike for 200+ plus miles, and running for 52 miles in 3 days!! This is exactly what my guest, Mario Minnaert did as he competed in the Ultraman Florida.
This podcast was more than just the adventure of competing in an Ultraman event. This episode was full of motivation, lessons to be learned, and the realization that we can do hard things. From the exasperation of swimming an extra mile, to the heart warming feeling of having your older brother there to lift you when you need it most. Mario’s motivating and inspiring stories will be sure to lift your spirits. Mario is after all, a coach!!
You can find Mario on Instagram @mario.minnaert or check out his website www.endurify.co . Let him know you heard him on Journey with Jake.
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