#045 – This was my first time really diving into adventures with pets!  I had the chance to speak with Les and Kirstie Card from Cattle Dogs and Company.  The Cards are from Nova Scotia in Canada and venture all over their Provence and neighboring areas going on adventures with their dogs.

The real stars of the show are Jackson, Memphis, and Mersey the cattle dogs.  Having the dogs has encouraged the Cards to get outdoors and explore.  It was fun to hear some of the experiences they have encountered on Prince Edward Island, The Cabot Trail, Mt. Carleton and many other locations.

I really loved how Les talked about mental health issues and how adventuring can really be a great way to fill up your cup.

Be sure and follow Les and Kirstie along with their dogs on Instagram @cattledogsandco .  They also have some great videos you will want to watch on YouTube.

Thanks for listening to Journey with Jake.  I would love to connect with you.  Give me a follow on Instagram @journeywithjakepodcast and send me a note to say