#041 – I sometimes hear about things people accomplish and it is hard to fathom or imagine what they do.  My guest today is the Ultramarathon Man, Dean Karnazes.

Dean has done things that I can only imagine.  He has run long  distances all the over the world in some of the most unforgiving climates and temperatures including Antarctica and Death Valley.  Through all of this the biggest takeaway I came away with is how Dean has found himself.  There are so many parallels to life that we can take away from what Dean shares.  I am nowhere close to  running the distances that Dean runs, but I was able to learn more about myself and how to take things one step at a time!

Be sure and check out Dean Karnazes on social media and the web.  You can follow him on Instagram @ultramarathon or check out his website www.ultramarathonman.com.  I am sure you will be inspired as much as I am.

Thank you for listening to Journey with Jake.  You can find some extras about my guests as well as some personal insights of me as well by following me on Instagram @journeywithjakepodcast.   If you have a special place, adventure, or experience that you would like to share please let me know.  I would love to hear from you.  You can message me on Instagram or send me an email to jake@journeywithjake.net.