Photos Courtesy of Jessica Kahananui
#031 – We all love the tropical paradise that is Hawaii. This episode with my good friend Dave Kahananui is more than just the beauty of this wonderful place. Dave talks about the land, the people, the culture, and the spirit that is Hawaii!
Dave Kahananui is 50% Hawaiian. His Father is 100% Hawaiian which is very rare in this day and age. The connection Dave has to Hawaii is beautiful. He does not live in Hawaii and has only been twice in his 40+ years, but the connection to the land and the people is strong. Dave talks about those feelings he has for the blessed land of Hawaii. Dave is man of faith and has a love for God and in turn feels the spirit of his Hawaiian ancestry.
I am so grateful I was able to connect with Dave to chat about his love for Hawaii. I am thankful to all my listeners. Thank you for listening each and every week. I would love to hear from you. Please send me an email to jake@journeywithjake.net with any comments or connect with me on Instagram @journeywithjakepodcast .