Photos Courtesy of @monorailmagic_
#024 – I can’t seem to stay away from Disney. We enjoyed the Castagno’s as they told us about their love for Disneyland. Now we are heading across the country to Florida to Disney World!
My guest on Journey with Jake is Daniela from @monorailmagic_ and she shares her love for Disney World, a place that she begin visiting as a child from New York. Daniela takes us back to her childhood and the memories of her time visiting Disney World. She also jumps ahead to to her time as an adult and points out some of her favorite resorts and attractions at Disney World. I love Daniela’s passion and love for a place that has such meaning to her since she was a child.
Please give Daniela a follow on Instagram @monorailmagic_ to see some awesome video clips, photos, and great interaction of her time in Disney World. She also points out the Disney styles and shows off all of the fun Disney merchandise and food. Don’t miss all of the fun from Daniela.
Thank you for listening to Journey with Jake. Please give me a follow on Instagram @journeywithjakepodcast and let me know about a special place or experience that has meaning to you!